What kind of settlement is Protea Glen

Protea Glen, an adjacent middle class suburb with multiple extensions provides an interesting point of comparison with Lufhereng.

What kind of settlement is Protea Glen

Protea Glen is a township of Johannesburg, Gauteng Province, South Africa, located north of Lenasia and west of Soweto. The suburb was developed in the 1990s for middle-class residents.

How did the settlement developed in Protea Glen?

In the 1990’s over 5 000 subsidised houses were built in Protea Glen and on 5 December 1996 former President Nelson Mandela opened Protea Glen Extension 11. Protea Glen subsequently became the fastest-growing residential area in Johannesburg. residents can work and live in proximity.

What is the historical background of Protea Glen?

Protea Glen’s development began in 1986 when the first options on property west of Soweto across the Klipspruit were signed. In the 1990s, middle-class households funded the creation of Protea Glen, which is now an example of successful property development and community expansion.

What are the social issues in Protea Glen?

Crime, alcohol and drug abuse are seen as serious problems in all three areas, and residents call for recreation and sports facilities for youth. While Protea Glen has its own police station, Waterworks’ location on the far side of the municipal boundary has meant distant police services from Rand West municipality.

What are the environmental issues in Protea Glen?

Results: The findings revealed several causal factors leading to poor access to water, poor sanitation, inappropriate sewerage services, lack of refuse collection and inadequate electricity services in Protea Glen.


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